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Macchine di prova dinamiche servoidrauliche
La serie MTS 810 , sono le macchine sulle quli si sviluppa la maggior parte dei sistemi per test DINAMICI.
Questi test possono essere fatti sui materiali o sui componenti finiti.
Le prove con queste apparecchiature hanno lo scopo di valutare le caratteristiche meccaniche sui materiali sottoposti a sollecitazione assiali e torsionali in forma dinamica.
Le frequenze di lavoro dipendono dal valore del massimo del carico applicato, dall'intervallo di forza entro il quale si vuole ciclare e dal valore dimensionale degli spostamenti applicati al campione.
Le forze possono essere :
Assiali in sola trazione
Assiali trazione/compressione in campo positivo
Assiali trazione/compressione passanti per lo zero
Compressione dinamoca 
Torsione dinamica
Torsione , compressione e trazione.
Per tutte queste applicazioni è importanti scielgliere il tipo di afferraggio adatto
Fracture Testing
MTS provides the most complete Linear Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Fracture Toughness solutions. In addition to KIc , J-Integral, and CTOD fracture criteria software, MTS provides Fatigue Crack Propagation solutions. 
MTS Fracture Mechanics Application software improves the accuracy of your testing while still being easy and flexibleto use. 
Predefined test templates provide the capability
of testing to various ASTM, ISO and British test standards.
Run-time graphical displays allow for monitoring the tests in progress and in order to react to events as they occur.
Test Examples
Fracture Toughness,
Fatigue Crack Growth,
Crack Propagation, KIc, JIc
ASTM E399, E647, B645,
E1820, ISO 12737, 12108,
Typical Configuration
FlexTest 810 or 858
Material Test System
640 grips or 642 Bend Fixture
632.02 and 632.03 Clip-On Displacement Gages
Fracture Toughness or Fatigue Crack Growth Test
Application Software
Crack Length Monitor Application Software
MultiPurpose TestWare
Axial Torsion Testing
MTS 809 Axial Torsion Materials Testing Systems provide extremely stiff, high natural frequency load frames with integral axial and torsional actuators. Axial Torsion loading of tubular specimens has proven to be a valuable method for investigating material response to both static and fatigue multi-axial stresses.
The MTS 858 A/T offers similar capabilities for lower force applications.
These systems are ideally suited for small components, Biomedical applications, and lower strength materials.
Typical Configuration
FlexTest 858 or 809 Axial-Torsional Material Test System
MTS Model 646 or 647 Axial-Torsional Wedge Grips
Two-Channel Controller
MTS Model 632.68 or 632.80 Extensometer
MultiPurpose TestWare

MultiPurpose TestWare operating systems
MultiPurpose TestWare is a cross-platform application program designed to work with several MTS test control systems. Currently, it is available for TestStar™ IIs and IIm control systems, FlexTest™ IIm and II CTM control systems, and FlexTest GT control systems Under the Windows® NT operating system,
MultiPurpose TestWare runs in parallel with the system software, giving you access to all of the
system controls for setting up tests (such as setting limits or calling up a digital oscilloscope) at the same time that MultiPurpose TestWare is running a test.
You also have the freedom to open, close, and arrange windows as needed to meet your test requirements and personal taste.
Tecnolabor S.r.l. Unipersonale | Viale della Regione Veneto, 19 – 35127 Padova (PD)
Tel. 049/8703700 | Fax 049/8703642 | P.Iva 01008540286 | info@tecnolabor.it
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